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Equality Act Policy

Werrington Primary School is committed to upholding all elements of the Equality Act October 2010.

We have adopted a Policy and through our action plan continually review and seek to improve our provision in this regard.

The new General Duty replaces the three existing public sector equality duties for disability, race and gender. It covers all protected charcteristics and has three main aims requiring public bodies to have due regard to the need for:

  1. Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and other conduct that is prohibited under the Equality Act 2010.
  2. Advance equality of opportunity between persons who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.
  3. Foster good relations between persons who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.

Werrington Primary School is committed to:

  • Dealing with and eliminating prejudiced based incidents
  • Closing the gap in attainment for all children
  • Engagement with local communities
  • Policies and practices that promote equality and address inequaties.

Appendix 1. Werrington Primary School Equality Objectives 2019

Equality Objective

Detail of activities and timeline

Key Responsibilities

Success Criteria


To deal with and, as far as possible, eliminate prejudiced based incidents, especially those involving protected characteristics. 

Set expectations for all staff in briefings regarding this. Continue to ensure all policies have an Equality Act statement of intent. Assemblies to develop values of acceptance. Log incidents on G2. Leadership to monitor and check there are very few protected-characteristics-related behaviour issues, and where these do occur, take action to prevent recurrence. 

All staff and Governors

Communications Strategy meetings will demonstrate elimination and appropriate dealing with incidents. Assemblies log and PSHE planning will show that all children are taught about others and empathy and tolerance are promoted. G2 log will show that these incidents are kept at a very low level or eliminated. 


To close the gap in attainment for disadvantaged pupils.

Disadvantaged Pupils

Pupil Premium pupils will receive additional TA support in English and Maths sessions in some sessions each week. Learning mentor time will be allocated to pupils where disadvantages are causing a barrier to learning and/or wellbeing. 


Elaine Newnes - Pupil Premium lead.

All staff and Achievement & Standards governors committee.  

Identified pupils will achieve enhanced progress and/ or self-esteem/ belief. Termly assessment tracking data will demonstrate improvement in groups as a whole in targeted areas. 


To continue to engage with the wider community in equality related matters. 

Continue to participate in the Girls4Tech project, run by Mastercard to encourage girls to pursue careers in the STEM subjects. Each year group to have an opportunity to visit a different place of worship. Continue carol singing and activities at Loxley old people’s home.and Werrington Lodge Care Home.  Hold parent workshops in the evenings as well as in the day, as this has been found to increase the number of working parents and male parents participating.  Increased opportunities to interact with children from other schools within the MAT, and in transition activities with local secondary schools.

Headteacher/Team Leaders/Staff

Increased social and cultural awareness is achieved. Pupil and teacher voice will be a key indicator. Monitor attendance at events, ensuring all interested parties have an equal opportunity to be involved. 


To ensure all policies and practices promote equality and address inequities.

All policies have been reviewed to contain an Equality Act statement of intent. Equality Award gained and used to audit provision going forward. Encourage all staff, pupils, parents and the wider community to feel able to address any concerns and celebrate successes with regard to equality, through clear policies and the approach of all staff to such feedback. Through the Arts children will learn about and celebrate different cultures and differences between individuals and all children will have an equal opportunity to participate. 

Protected Characteristics logging using  MIS Integris G2 ensuring incidents are followed up and dealt with appropriately. 

Teachers and Governors responsible for policy publication.

All staff will feel confident dealing with enquiries relating to equality and will know how to proceed. Parents, children, staff and people from the wider community will continue to express positive views about Werrington Primary School’s inclusive approach, and where concerns are raised, these will be dealt with promptly and thoroughly to prevent a recurrence. The school will gain the Equality Award. All policies will comply.