Useful Links
Here are some of the websites we have looked at in Year 3, or that might interest you at home:
A game like Bubble Multiples we play in class! Make sure you read the instructions on the website carefully – you have to burst the bubbles that are not multiples – the opposite of our class game!
Lots of recipes to make from Rice Krispies – the “Crunchy Mallow Bars” look like the oolit cakes we made at Stibbington!
This is the site of the French and Canadian festival of Montgolfieres, which we looked at to help us design our calendars! See whether you can spot some funny-shaped balloons – Darth Vader was the class favourite!
We made our own cereal box in class – you can design one here, print the net and make the box! Don’t forget – we must ask an adult whether we can upload a photo!
Can you beat the clock to put the apostrophes in the right places for possession and omission?
Some map-related games from the Ordinance Survey (who provide maps of Great Britain) – can we use our skills from Stibbington to play and win?
Stibbington’s website – you might remember looking at this in class!
We played the paper bag game and imagined we were children working in the streets of Kolkata. We found making the paper bags hard and were glad that we were at Werrington Primary and not working in India!
A free tutorial to play the tin whistle, which we have started to learn with Mr. Parsons on a Monday afternoon!
We looked at the story of "Theseus and the Minotaur" in class - this is the story we used!
The "Winged Sandals" website we looked at for some of our myths - there are some great activities on this website, too!
3W's new favourite song! You have to wait for the start button to pop up before you can play the song - it pops up next to the words "British Council" and you can also download the words!